You are reading Day 6 part 1 of our time in New York City, to start at Day 1 go here.
On day 6, the clouds disappeared and we were greeted with bright sunny skies. The goal was to make our way down to Brooklyn via subway to check out
Smorgasburg, an all food "flea"market in Williamsburg. This was also our test run, to check out the area and see how long it would take us to get to our next apartment we would be staying at later in just a few short days via subway. It was crucial that we could make the trip via subway while carrying all of our luggage. Like turtles, all of our belongings strapped to our back, slowly making our way through the tunnels of New York City. Sounds like a tv show I use to watch as a kid.
The last thing anyone wants when traveling with all of their belongings and vulnerable is to find themselves out of their element with all of their belongings... and vulnverable.
The two of us set off early morning, just as the city was waking up and made our way through the subway system to Williamsburg. Brooklyn is gorgeous, and on our 6th day in New York City, it was the perfect morning for a walk through it. The elevated rail system adds gorgous gritty architecture to the area that we don't see in California.

It was a bit of a treak from the subway to Williamsburg bridge where the nearest citibikes were parked. With the contentinal army plaza close by, we checked that out before going the oppsoite direction towards the docks.
Smorgusburg was already packed and bustling with life when we showed up. Large rows of tents with vendors with different kinds of foods all bustling with activity and gorgeous park area near the East River with sweeping views of Manhattan. We set off to enjoy the foods offered.
Brooklyn Wokshop offers some very tasty samples of their wontons and dumplings. We choose to sample their wontons, Crab Rangoon, Roast Pork and Roast Califlower and eggplant. We liked the roast cauliflower and eggplant the best.
If you enjoy lemonade, try out the vermont Maple Lemonade stand for a refreshing drink that is more sweet than sour.
We stopped at the Vietnamese Eatry for a nice big glass of Veietnamese ICed Coffee.
We were curious to try out the lobster rolls being so close to Maine. The price tag was pretty hefty, but the rolls were filled with a hearty portion of lobster.
Earlier this year we made our own lobster rolls using Spiny California Lobster. Maybe it was the California lobster or maybe it was the sauce we used, but we prefered the ones we made at home compared to the ones found at Smorgusburg.
Milk Shakes and mac and cheese at the milk truck. The Milkshake was tasty, the mac and cheese was a bit boring, and the portion was overwhelming.
Batter and cream is worth a stop, tasty home meade whoopie pies that melt in your mouth with each bite. Soft and chewy with flavorful fillings.
If there is one place you should be sure to hit up, its the Buttermilk Fried Chicken stand. Crispy fried chicken with a flavorful waffle side.
The food at smorgsusburg is all excellent and tasty however, we would have opted for smaller portions at a reduced price to allow us to sample more of the offerings. Many of the booths were offering, what felt like, oversized portions for a price that did not work out. It would have been a better experience had it been smaller portions at sampler price. Smorgasburg is still very much worth checking out.
After having our fill on delicious foods it was time to check out the area!
Williamsburg, Brooklyn is gorgeous, amazing, and full of life. It was odd that we hadn't found our way down here before, and started wondering why we were spending so much time in Manhattan when there was so much to see in Brooklyn.
The day was not coming to an end, but simply a break, as we needed to refresh ourselves before the subway ride back to Manhattan where we would be walking through Time Square for the evening, what better place to grab a refresher that the Whiskey Brooklyn.
Ma href="">Day 6 part 2 is here!